NITEMARE'S on "Exposing the Islamic Liars‏"

I was in an Islamic room on Paltalk today and they were commenting about the story of: 

8-year-old Brooklyn boy who was smothered and then chopped up into pieces on Tuesday

The Islamic liars claimed that this does not happen in the Islamic ummah, however if you read the articles below this... you will find it happens very often in the Islamic ummah. Again exposing the Islamic liars of satan. (~Nitemare)

'Devout Muslim' who killed daughter jailed

Here you will find many hacked to death by islamic savage barbarian terror loving lunatics.;_ylt=As156qClDoJzX6sfCMDkPM6bvZx4?p=muslim+hacked+to+death&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&fr=yfp-t-701

Thank You!

NITEMARE'S  on "Exposing the Islamic Liars‏"