Review of Flat Out Sexy: Fast Track 1



   By: Erin McCarthy

   Publisher: Berkley Sensation

   Rating:  Martini glassMartini glassMartini glassMartini glass




    Tamara Briggs was a NASCAR widow, literally.  Now she was content to live her sedate life raising her two kids, teaching at the university, and having lousy sex with a boring, dull man.  That is until she spills a glass of wine on Elec Monroe,  rookie NASCAR driver , son of her father-in-law’s enemy, and the owner of the best looking ass she’s seen in a long, long time. After Mr. Dull and Boring dumps her, she is just in the mood for a little fling. Only Elec is looking for something more, and nothing is more determined than a Southern man in hunting mode.

   Being a Southern girl, born and bred, I was absolutely tickled to death at the authenticity of this book. The dialogue and character profiles are spot on. The names may have been changed, but I know quite a few of these people.  This is a funny, sexy, and pretty darn accurate book about love and relationships around the NASCAR circuit. Oh, it’s an optimistic tale for sure, but there is good and bad in every avenue of life. Still, being such a late comer to this series, I was very pleasantly surprised.  Being mainly a purveyor of the paranormal genre, I just did not think this book would hold my interest, because to tell the truth, I’m not really a fan of NASCAR.  I was extremely mistaken. I loved every page. I laughed at every page. It really is a feel good book.

  As any Southern woman will tell you, we like our men, strong, virile, young, (if we can find em’) and quiet (cause we like to do the talking). Elec fits the bill perfectly. He’s a man of few words and a lot of action.  Tamara is a transplanted Southerner, she has absorbed our more refined mannerisms and beliefs. She puts her family first, always, but if she can find the time, she likes to let out a little rebel yell.  I very highly recommend this book, and I am now enjoying the second book in this series. More on that later.